Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did Avie’s Me bag. (Zellie)

We read a book about how to stay safe called Safety Counts. (George)

We did Avie’s name poster. (Presley)

We made signs. (Lux) We learned about traffic signs and symbols.

We went outside. (Jackson)

We played Match It. (Caleb) We worked on subitizing and number recognition.

We did closing meeting. (Logan)

Some of us got to take 5 jumps on the trampoline. (Evie)

In a few minutes we will get our folders and line up. (Avie)

We did morning meeting and morning buzz. (Cora)

We did our temperature. (Phoebe)

Every morning we look at our points. (Sarah)

We did Fundations will c and o. We start at the plane line. (Presley)

We did snack time. (Olivia)

We did a brain break. (Leo)

Hopefully, I will see you tonight at Curriculum Night! If not, here is a copy of my power point presentation. Pay special attention to the last slide!

Don’t forget PJ day tomorrow!

Have a great night!