Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did closing meeting. (Lux)

We did George’s Me Bag. (Zellie)

We did George’s name poster. (Logan)

We did the calendar. (Evie)

We did George’s name cheer. (Ellen)

We had play time. (Presley)

We did George’s name page. (Caleb)

We played outside. (Jackson)

We did math workstations. (Phoebe)

We did math. We talked about shapes. We had a partner and we talked about how the shapes are the same and different and what it looks like to us. (George)

We went to art and made lines with chalk. We colored the chalk in. (Cora)

For Fundations we did c and o on the whiteboards. (Presley)

We had lunch. (Avie)

We did the transportation book. (Sophie)

We made a mini book. (Caleb)

Our Curriculum Night is this tomorrow from 4:30-6 pm! This is for kids and adults!! Many of the older grades are taking a more formal approach but I promise I will make this as relaxed and fun as possible! I have a little scavenger hunt for the kids to do with you! This is an open house type event where your student can show you around the room and you get more information on what they will be learning this year! It is a “drop in” event so can come in anytime between 4:30-6 pm and you don’t have to stay the whole time. Hope you can make it! I will do a very short and informal presentation on our new behavior reports promptly at 4:35 and 5:15 pm. I have attached the rubric that I will quickly review and put this in the folders today. This will stay in the folders the rest of the year for your reference.

We will be having a special Pajama Day this Friday, September 20th. Your child may wear his/her pajamas all day!  Please make sure that your child is wearing school-appropriate pajamas and tennis shoes, since we will have recess and P.E. that day. Please do not send house slippers with your child to school, as they are not safe for playing on the playground.
Your child is welcome to bring a small stuffed animal as well (the toy must fit inside his or her backpack and have the ability to turn any noisemakers off).

On ThursdayOctober 3rd we will be having an apple tasting day to celebrate all we will have learned about apples! We will be trying all things apple and graphing our favorite type of apple.  If you are able to, please sign up for an item and send it in by Wednesday, October 2nd. If you would like to help, please use the link below to sign up!

October 18th is Fun Fest! Each class supplies a raffle basket. Our class raffle basket will be Crazy for Chocolate themed! Please send in donations by October 2nd! This could be anything from candy bars to hot cocoa mix to chocolate covered pretzels, you name it! Money earned from these baskets goes right back to our school! Please donate if you can!! So far we have a large box of hot cocoa mix and a big bag of Kit Kat bars! Thank you if you have donated!

Have a wonderful evening!!