Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We read David Gets in Trouble. (Cora)

We did math workstations. (Jackson)

We went outside. (Lux)

We are doing closing meeting. (Sarah)

We went to P.E. (Evie)

We did Liam’s name poster. (Logan)

We did lunch. (Leo)

We did a sort. We did poor choices and good choices. (Avie and Ellen)

We did Liam’s name cheer. (Presley)

We voted if we wanted to play outside or inside at the end of the day. Outside won. We lined up and went out our back door. (Jesse)

We did Liam’s Me Bag. (George)

We drew Liam. (Sophie)

We talked about 0 and 1. (Phoebe) We talked about different ways we could represent these numbers!

We ate snack. (Caleb)

We did the line rhyme. (Sarah)

Friday is Grandparent’s Day! Kindergarten will be celebrating from 9-10 am. I want to make sure everyone has someone for this event! If you do not have a grandparent or special friend coming for your child you are welcome to come in their place or I can find someone for them. Please let me know ASAP if you need me to find someone! We will be making a fun family tree craft! You are welcome to send a list of family members to help with this project or start talking about it with your child!

Save the Date! Our Peach Tree Farms field trip will be October 25th and parents are invited! This will be from 9:30 am -12:30 pm.

Have a wonderful night!