Friday, September 27, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did the assembly. (Lux)

We did word games. (Evie)

I got Cougar of the Month! (Ellen)

We did closing meeting. (Caleb)

We went outside. (Jackson)

We did snack. (Leo)

We did library checkout. (George) Please return books every Friday!

We read a book about police officers. (Phoebe)

We did math. We counted how many in the envelopes. (Logan) We worked on using the “counting on” strategy to figure our 1 more and 2 more. We are also worked on 1 less and 2 less.

We did the weather. (Cora)

We did Read to Self for 4 minutes. (Sarah)

We drew our house in our books. (Leo)

We made a community helpers book. (George)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Monday is a teacher work day! I will see the kids again on Tuesday!


Thursday, September 26, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did Quick Eyes. (Caleb)

We had lunch. (Sophie)

We made community helper hats! (George)

We did word games. (Lux)

We did P.E. (Presley)

Mrs. Baker came. We did a feelings page with Mrs. Baker. We glued fruit loops on the faces. (Avie and Evie)

We went outside. (Jackson)

We did letters. We did a and g. (Logan)
We did closing meeting and pack up for home. (Cora)

We did morning meeting. We counted lunch choices. (Phoebe)

We did morning buzz. We talked about what we like to do in the fall. (Presley)

We ate snack and watched a video about firefighters. (Olivia)

We did writing time. We drew ourselves for our book. It’s called the One and Only Me. (Sarah)

We did math workstations. (Logan)

We talked about the schedule. (Avie)

Have a great night!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We made something out of a triangle. (Phoebe)

We read a book about all the different types of shapes. (Presley)

We did closing meeting. (Leo)

We did little community helper puppets. (Evie)

We read a book about community helpers. (Lux)

We put sticks in the chart for the days in school. (Avie)

We read a book about Miss Mingo and the Fire Drill. (George)

We did the rules. (Cora)

We did word games. I like when we put the words together. (Caleb) This week we practiced putting syllables together and breaking them apart.

We went outside. (Jackson)

We did the Fundations magnet boards. (Sophie)

We did Echo the Owl. (Ellen)

We drew ourselves doing something safe. (Presley)

We did morning meeting. (Sarah)

Thank you for the donations for the Cougar Fun Fest raffle basket! I am still accepting donations until Wednesday, October 2nd! Bring anything chocolate related!! I am also in need of a basket for the items! If you have a large basket that you would like to donate that would be wonderful!

Thank you to all the parents who have signed up to help with apple day next week! We just need one more item if you would like to help out! Thank you! Here is the link to sign up!

Have a great night! Thank you for all you do!!!

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did closing meeting. (Lux)

We had play time. (Olivia)

We learned a and g. (Presley)

We had art. We painted the pinch pots in art. (Evie and Caleb)

We popped a balloon and it had pink paper! Mrs. Hotchkiss’ baby is a girl! (George)

We read for 3 minutes. (Logan)

We had snack. (Sophie)

We did the weather. It was still at the bottom of the yellow. (Cora)

We put tally marks for the days in school. (Avie)

We did a community helper sort. We sorted the tools. We colored it. (Ellen and Avie)

We did math. We played Top It. (Jackson) We worked on comparing numbers and figuring out which number was more!

We did a GoNoodle. (Caleb)

We did the calendar. (Logan)

We watch a video with community helpers. (George)

We did math workstations. (Phoebe)

We wrote about our favorite community helper. (Presley)

Book orders are due this Friday by 1 pm! Here is the link to order!

Have a wonderful night!!

Friday, September 20, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We got to meet our 3rd grade buddies! They brought a book to read to us. (Avie and Ellen) Pictures on Dojo!

We got to wear our jammies and bring our stuffed animals. (Leo)

We did an intruder drill. We practiced what to do if there is a bad person in the school. (Evie and George) We practiced running together out our back door. The kids had A LOT of questions. This might be good to discuss tonight. It is also very normal for kids to want to act out or play out these scenarios because that is how they process these things!

We did closing meeting. (Caleb)

We did library checkout! (Presley)

We read the book called How Do Dinosaurs Stay Safe? (Phoebe)

We played outside. (Logan)

We ate lunch. (Lux)

We did P.E. (Jackson)

We made our name books. (Sarah) They are in the folders! You might notice lots of improvement from the beginning of the year name until now with their writing and drawing! The names should be mostly in alphabetical order. They worked very hard on these books!

We did a project. We made a stoplight. (Avie)

In the folders you will find a fun and optional safety homework! You do not have to return this to school!

You will also find behavior reports. Please read these over and discuss with your kids this weekend. Try to think of these scores as 2/2 and anything beyond that as extra credit. A score of a 2 is the grade level expectation for this point of the year. I gave out mostly 2’s with a handful of 1’s and 3’s. I did not give out any 4’s. Please don’t be too discouraged by 1’s. The kids still need many reminders about expectations at this point in the year and that is very normal. I gave out 1’s to kids who need daily reminders. I gave 2’s to kids who needs some reminders during the week and 3’s to kids who need just a few reminders every so often. I have attached the power point from last night again. It might help if you have any questions. Please initial and write down any comments you may have on this form. Please return in the folder on Monday.

I will be leaving at 2:3o pm on Monday for a doctor’s appointment so there will not be closing meeting notes sent home that day.

Thank you!! Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did Avie’s Me bag. (Zellie)

We read a book about how to stay safe called Safety Counts. (George)

We did Avie’s name poster. (Presley)

We made signs. (Lux) We learned about traffic signs and symbols.

We went outside. (Jackson)

We played Match It. (Caleb) We worked on subitizing and number recognition.

We did closing meeting. (Logan)

Some of us got to take 5 jumps on the trampoline. (Evie)

In a few minutes we will get our folders and line up. (Avie)

We did morning meeting and morning buzz. (Cora)

We did our temperature. (Phoebe)

Every morning we look at our points. (Sarah)

We did Fundations will c and o. We start at the plane line. (Presley)

We did snack time. (Olivia)

We did a brain break. (Leo)

Hopefully, I will see you tonight at Curriculum Night! If not, here is a copy of my power point presentation. Pay special attention to the last slide!

Don’t forget PJ day tomorrow!

Have a great night!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did closing meeting. (Lux)

We did George’s Me Bag. (Zellie)

We did George’s name poster. (Logan)

We did the calendar. (Evie)

We did George’s name cheer. (Ellen)

We had play time. (Presley)

We did George’s name page. (Caleb)

We played outside. (Jackson)

We did math workstations. (Phoebe)

We did math. We talked about shapes. We had a partner and we talked about how the shapes are the same and different and what it looks like to us. (George)

We went to art and made lines with chalk. We colored the chalk in. (Cora)

For Fundations we did c and o on the whiteboards. (Presley)

We had lunch. (Avie)

We did the transportation book. (Sophie)

We made a mini book. (Caleb)

Our Curriculum Night is this tomorrow from 4:30-6 pm! This is for kids and adults!! Many of the older grades are taking a more formal approach but I promise I will make this as relaxed and fun as possible! I have a little scavenger hunt for the kids to do with you! This is an open house type event where your student can show you around the room and you get more information on what they will be learning this year! It is a “drop in” event so can come in anytime between 4:30-6 pm and you don’t have to stay the whole time. Hope you can make it! I will do a very short and informal presentation on our new behavior reports promptly at 4:35 and 5:15 pm. I have attached the rubric that I will quickly review and put this in the folders today. This will stay in the folders the rest of the year for your reference.

We will be having a special Pajama Day this Friday, September 20th. Your child may wear his/her pajamas all day!  Please make sure that your child is wearing school-appropriate pajamas and tennis shoes, since we will have recess and P.E. that day. Please do not send house slippers with your child to school, as they are not safe for playing on the playground.
Your child is welcome to bring a small stuffed animal as well (the toy must fit inside his or her backpack and have the ability to turn any noisemakers off).

On ThursdayOctober 3rd we will be having an apple tasting day to celebrate all we will have learned about apples! We will be trying all things apple and graphing our favorite type of apple.  If you are able to, please sign up for an item and send it in by Wednesday, October 2nd. If you would like to help, please use the link below to sign up!

October 18th is Fun Fest! Each class supplies a raffle basket. Our class raffle basket will be Crazy for Chocolate themed! Please send in donations by October 2nd! This could be anything from candy bars to hot cocoa mix to chocolate covered pretzels, you name it! Money earned from these baskets goes right back to our school! Please donate if you can!! So far we have a large box of hot cocoa mix and a big bag of Kit Kat bars! Thank you if you have donated!

Have a wonderful evening!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did my Me Bag. (Zellie)

We did Makerspace. We built with Legos and created our own machine or robot. (Presley and Jesse)

We did the weather. (Cora)

We did Zellie’s name cheer. (Sophie)

We did closing meeting. (Logan)

We did morning buzz. (Lux)

We did Zellie’s name page. (George)

We did music. (Ellen)

We went outside. (Jackson)

We did word games. (Caleb)

We did math workstations. (Phoebe)

We did a book about transportation. (Evie)

We did a sort. We matched the vehicles. (Olivia)

We wrote down our types of transportation. (Avie)

We changed table spots today! (Sarah)

Isaac was a guest reader and read Pete the Cat Play Ball. (George)

We did morning meeting. (Presley)

We did the letters c and o. (Liam)

Have a great night!!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hi Parents,

Here is what we did today!

We drew me! (Sophie)

We played outside. (Logan)

We did our word games. (Olivia)

We did P.E. (Jackson)

We did a fun game in P.E. We rolled a ball and knocked over pins. You had to defend your pin. (Presley)

We did math workstations. (Evie)

We got 100 Cougar Tickets today! We are going to have a pajama party on Friday!! Woohoo!! (Sarah)

We did Sophie’s Me Bag. (Lux)

We did a new vowel. It was the letter o. (Zellie)

We watched a video about how to be safe. You need to wear a helmet on your bike! (George)

We did closing meeting. (Leo)

We talked about how some kids speak different languages. (Avie)

We did Sophie’s name cheer. (Ellen)

We did a Pete the Cat math game where we rolled the dice and colored the shoes. (Cora)

We sorted by not emergencies and emergencies. (Caleb)

We talked about the temperature. (Phoebe)

Our Curriculum Night is this Thursday from 4:30-6 pm! This is an open house type event where your student can show you around the room and you get more information on what they will be learning this year! It is a “drop in” event so can come in anytime between 4:30-6 pm and you don’t have to stay the whole time. Hope you can make it! I will do a short presentation on our new behavior reports promptly at 4:35 and 5:15 pm.

We hit our goal of 100 behavior tickets!! To celebrate, we will be having a special Pajama Day on Friday, September 20th. Your child may wear his/her pajamas all day!  Please make sure that your child is wearing school-appropriate pajamas and tennis shoes, since we will have recess and P.E. that day. Please do not send house slippers with your child to school, as they are not safe for playing on the playground.
Your child is welcome to bring a small stuffed animal as well (the toy must fit inside his or her backpack and have the ability to turn any noisemakers off).

On Thursday, October 3rd we will be having an apple tasting day to celebrate all we will have learned about apples! We will be trying all things apple and graphing our favorite type of apple.  If you are able to, please sign up for an item and send it in by Wednesday, October 2nd. I also need 2 parent volunteers to help prep plates. If you would like to help, please use the link below to sign up!

Friday, September 13, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did Sarah and Presley’s Me Bag. (Presley)

We did the Pete the Cat project. (Jackson)

We did my name page. (Sarah)

We played outside. (Lux)

We had lunch. (Logan)

We did morning meeting. (Leo)

We did word games. (Caleb)

We did the calendar. (Cora)

We did morning buzz. (George)

We did Sarah’s name cheer. (Ellen)

We did the vowel chart. (Avie)

Mr. Hotchkiss came and read Pete the Cat and the Missing Cupcakes. (Zellie)

We did the computers. (Olivia) The kids practiced logging on in Media and playing an awesome math program called ST Math! They have access to this at home! If you go to the main CPS website and go to the lower right hand side you will find Portal access. They log in from there! I am happy to send you a picture of their log in information if they need it!

Auggie came and jumped on the trampoline! (Presley)

Make sure to check the folder this weekend! Lots of important information including Fun Fest ticket information!

Sometimes on Fridays I like to put optional homework worksheets in the folders. These do not need to be returned to school unless your child would like to show me their hard work! I put 2 Pete the Cat papers in there this week! One with color words and one where your student can draw their self portrait and write a color word. We are practicing using the first letter on the color word to figure out what it is.

Behavior Reports
In your child’s folder you will find a sample behavior report and rubric. I will start sending these home next week and will answer any questions you have at Open House next Thursday. This is a new format for this year and is being used school wide.

Book Orders
In your child’s folder is a Scholastic book order! You can place your Scholastic Book Clubs orders with the catalog or online!  Online, you can browse all the great monthly Book Club selections at low prices. You'll find the best values on a variety of formats, including eBooks.  Plus, every book you buy earns FREE books for our classroom library!

This is our class’s personalized URL and code.

Ordering online is the most convenient way to use Scholastic Book Clubs. You can order anytime, right up until the online order due date. You’ll also get instant access to over 500 additional titles plus online-only specials and discounts.

If you do not want to order online, you can still send in the paper order forms from the back of the book club flyers.  Please make your checks out to Scholastic, Inc.  You can write one check for multiple book orders, just be sure to include all your order forms with your check. 

This month’s book orders are due by Friday, September 27th! Please let me know if you have any questions!

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did our word games. (Zellie)

We did Quick Eyes. It was 5 frames. (Jackson)

We did closing meeting. (Logan)

We did Presley’s name cheer and name poster and she talked about what she likes to do. (George)

Mrs. Baker taught us about bullying. (Cora)

We went to lunch. (Ellen)

We reread Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes. We talked about good attitudes. (Phoebe)

We did the calendar. (Sarah)

We did morning buzz. (Lux)

We wrote Presley’s name. (Caleb)

We drew me! (Presley)

We did morning meeting. (Avie)

We wrote i and u. (Olivia and Liam)

Have a great night!!

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went outside. (Jackson)

We had lunch. (Sarah)

We played inside. (Jesse)

We went to music class. (Evie)

We made Pete the Cat hats! (Lux)

We did math workstations. (Logan)

We did the line rhyme. (Caleb)

We did Phoebe’s name cheer. (Ellen)

We did closing meeting. (Leo)

We did a game with letters on the magnet boards. (Zellie)

We did snack time. (Liam)

We played Quick Eyes in math. We have to say the number of dots but Mrs. Hotchkiss covers it up quick! (Presley) We worked on subitizing! This is the ability to quickly identify the number of items in a small set without counting. 

We played Word Games. (Avie and Sophie) We are working on rhyming words, breaking apart and putting together compound words, isolating beginning and ending sounds in words, etc. Ask your student to show you some of the hand motions from word games!

We read Pete the Cat and His Four Groovy Buttons. (George)

We did our rules. (Phoebe)

We did Phoebe’s name poster and Me Bag. (Cora)

We have lots of Cougar Tickets. (Sarah)

October 18th is Fun Fest! Each class supplies a raffle basket. Our class raffle basket will be Crazy for Chocolate themed! Please send in donations by October 2nd! This could be anything from candy bars to hot cocoa mix to chocolate covered pretzels, you name it! Money earned from these baskets goes right back to our school! Please donate if you can!!

Have a great night!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did snack time. (Cora)

We ate donuts because Mrs. Hotchkiss is going to have a baby! (Caleb) We read a book called Brown Bear’s Wonderful Secret and they guessed it right! I am due March 10th.

Mrs. Hotchkiss is pregnant!! (Avie)

We ate lunch. (Leo)

We made mini books. It was I Like My School Shoes. We colored the shoes. (Jackson) We practiced reading color words!

We went outside. (Ellen)

We did P.E. (Lux)

We wrote on the whiteboards. We wrote i and u. (Evie)

We did Olivia’s name poster. (Zellie)

We sorted 5 year olds and 6 year olds. (Phoebe) The kids each put their picture on the 5 or 6 year old side of a chart. We talked about graphing and efficient ways of counting (lining up the cards, counting from left to right, top to bottom, touching each one and saying the number, etc.)

We did the line rhyme. (George)

Today was the 16th day of school. (Jesse)

We read Pete the Cat Rockin in his School Shoes. (Presley)

Today is my birthday! (Logan)

We drew Olivia. (Sophie)

We are about to pack up for home. (Sarah)

Help Wanted with Independence!
We are on our 4th week of school I am asking for your help in fostering independence in your kindergartener. I already have so many kiddos who are walking the classroom on their own, putting their own folder away, etc. but I would love to see all of them doing so. I know this may be a little challenging for some, so I encourage you to start by stopping at the middle hallway and gradually moving further back. Kindergarten is all about gaining independence and this is a great first step. I promise they can do it and I will be here to help! Thanks for your help!

Have a wonderful night!!

Monday, September 9, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We learned the rules of the bus. (Presley)

We ate lunch. (Leo)

We went outside. (Sophie)

We did Lux’s Me Bag. (Jesse)

We talked about our favorite colors. We got a color chart. (Evie)

We talked about the number 3. (George)

We read Pete the Cat I Love My White Shoes. (Lux)

We colored our favorite color on a crayon. (Ellen)

We did the weather. (Avie)

We did Lux’s name poster. (Jackson)

We did library. (Cora)

We did math workstations. (Sarah)

We did our school rules. (Phoebe)

We are doing closing meeting. (Leo)

We had to find a way to show the number 3. (Jesse)

We did i and u. (Presley)

Have a great night!!

Friday, September 6, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went outside. (Jackson)

We had lunch. (Sophie)

We did Grandparent’s Day. We made a family tree. We get to take it home. (George)

We had snack. (Logan)

We did art. We made pinch pots out of clay. (Leo and Phoebe)

We read David Goes to School. (Cora)

We are doing closing meeting. (Caleb)

We did morning buzz. (Avie)

We made David puppets. (Lux)

We graphed the birthdays. (Zellie)

We did the line rhyme. (Evie)

We did the weather. (Avie)

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went outside. (Lux)

We made David headbands. (Jackson) We role played David making good choices at school!

We ate lunch. (Caleb)

We did Logan’s name poster and name cheer. (George and Logan)

We talked about the number 2. (Zellie)

We read David Goes to School. (Cora)

We played Count and Sit. (Presley) We practiced counting around the circle!

We did closing meeting. (Sarah)

We had snack. (Sophie)

We did morning buzz. (Leo)

We did the line rhyme. (Phoebe)

We went to music. (Evie)

We did math workstations. (Avie)

Some people got to pick from the prize box. (Jesse) Lots of kids earning 10 Class Dojo points lately!

We did GoNoodle. (Ellen)

We did sky writing. (Leo) We worked on letters n and m.

We did Logan’s name page. (Olivia)

We did Echo the Owl. (Cora)

Grandparent’s Day is tomorrow from 9-10 am!

October 18th is Fun Fest! Each class supplies a raffle basket. Our class raffle basket will be Crazy for Chocolate themed! Please send in donations by October 2nd! This could be anything from candy bars to hot cocoa mix to chocolate covered pretzels, you name it! Money earned from these baskets goes right back to our school! Please donate if you can!!

Have a great night!

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We read David Gets in Trouble. (Cora)

We did math workstations. (Jackson)

We went outside. (Lux)

We are doing closing meeting. (Sarah)

We went to P.E. (Evie)

We did Liam’s name poster. (Logan)

We did lunch. (Leo)

We did a sort. We did poor choices and good choices. (Avie and Ellen)

We did Liam’s name cheer. (Presley)

We voted if we wanted to play outside or inside at the end of the day. Outside won. We lined up and went out our back door. (Jesse)

We did Liam’s Me Bag. (George)

We drew Liam. (Sophie)

We talked about 0 and 1. (Phoebe) We talked about different ways we could represent these numbers!

We ate snack. (Caleb)

We did the line rhyme. (Sarah)

Friday is Grandparent’s Day! Kindergarten will be celebrating from 9-10 am. I want to make sure everyone has someone for this event! If you do not have a grandparent or special friend coming for your child you are welcome to come in their place or I can find someone for them. Please let me know ASAP if you need me to find someone! We will be making a fun family tree craft! You are welcome to send a list of family members to help with this project or start talking about it with your child!

Save the Date! Our Peach Tree Farms field trip will be October 25th and parents are invited! This will be from 9:30 am -12:30 pm.

Have a wonderful night!