Friday, January 25, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to P.E. and played a game where we had to knock the balls off the cones. (Maya)

It was Adalynn’s half birthday and she shared her donuts. (Azayla)

We did Fundations and in Fundations we did tapping. (Evalynn)

We had project. We drew an elephant of different colors. We read a book about it. (Will C.) This book was called Elmer and Rose. We talked about what it means to be unique.

We had an assembly. Aster was the Cougar of the Month. (Caroline)

We had writing. We wrote about what we like about ourselves. We read Spaghetti in a Hot Dog Bun. We talked about how we are all different and that makes us special. (Aster)

We did Daily 5. (Maya)

For math we talked about the equal sign. (Aiden)

We did the calendar. (Maya)

Have a wonderful weekend! Thank you so much if you were able to come to Cocoa Night last night! It was so much fun watching the kids show you all around the room. They are so proud of their learning!