Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to art. We drew a dollar. (Will C)

We read a book about Martin Luther King Jr. (Will M.)

We did the schedule. (Azayla)

We did one choice for Daily 5. We talked about what each choice looks like. (Caroline and James)

We did morning meeting. (Aster)

We did Fundations. We did tapping. We did whiteboards. (Adalynn and Abby)

We did math workstations. (Hayden)

We went to lunch. (Xander)

We had snack. (Evalynn)

We did word games. (Caroline)

We did calendar. (Maya)

Somehow all the names on the 100th day of school snack sign up were deleted! Hopefully if you signed up you also remember what you signed up for! If you don’t mind sending in your item by Monday that would be very helpful so I can ensure we have enough. Thank you!!

The 100th Day of School is quickly approaching!  Currently, the 100th Day of School is scheduled for Wednesday, January 30th (unless we have any snow days between now and then). Our class is planning a celebration for the 100th Day of School in which all learning activities will be centered around the number 100.

As a part of our day, our class will be creating a “100th Day Museum.” Please have your child bring a collection of 100 things to school on Wednesday, January 30th.  The collection needs to be small enough for your child to carry to school.  Some examples might include 100 paperclips, cotton balls, pennies, cereal pieces, ribbons, beads, toothpicks, pencils, playing cards, etc.  Let your child use his/her imagination to come up with a unique, one of a kind collection.

Have a great night