Monday, April 10, 2017

Hi Parents!

We had music. We practiced on the stage for our program. After that we practiced our lines in the music room. We practiced it a couple times. We made a turtle map. We also had our fire drill. (Elizabeth and Eshan)

We had writing. For writing we did Monday News. (Kiernan)

We had snack and closing meeting and play time. (Nick)

We had math. We played Up and Down the Ladder. It was a little different today. Instead of saying the addition number sentence we wrote it on the whiteboards. How you play is you have a game board and 2 dice and counters. You roll the dice and whatever number you got you put in on the top or bottom bunk. Your partner flips over a card that says 1 up the ladder or 1 down the ladder. (Yahna)

We talked about the sun. (Bennett)

We had Fundations. We learned a new digraph. It was ck. We got to practice tapping words with ck in it. Ck is mostly at the end of words or sometime in the middle. Ck is in Nick’s name! (Sophia)

We watched a little video about day and night. (Abigail)

We did a poem. It was about day and night. It was called In The Sky. (Brynn)

We did Daily 5. We had 2 choices. (Addison)

We had morning meeting. (Andy)

We had lunch and recess. (Anders)

Tomorrow is our field trip! (Sophia) No permission slip needed for tomorrow. We are going to the planetarium at Rock Bridge High School.

Your student’s writing will be featured in Mill Creek’s Cat Tales. This will have writing from all of K,1,2  and will be a paper bound, black and white printed book. This is different from the Student Treasures book. This will be a hard bound and published book featuring just our class. This will be printed  in color. Our Student Treasures stories will be about what the kids want to be when they grow up. I have not decided what the kids will write about for their Cat Tales stories.

PLEASE MAKE SURE TO RETURN YOUR STUDENT TREASURES FORM IF YOU ARE ORDERING OR NOT! If I get all the forms back I will get a free class book!!

Please let me know if you have any questions! Thanks!!