Thursday, April 20, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We played “How Many Am I Hiding?” in math. (Yahna)

In fundations we worked on family words. (Elizabeth)

We did Daily 5 and had 2 choices. (Brendan)

We highlighted our poem, The Chick, on the smartboard. (Eshan)

We sang a new song in music class.  It was called Johnny works with one hammer. (Kayleigh)

We voted on a toy party because we earned 100 cougar compliments. (Mila) We will do this NEXT Friday!


ARTS NIGHT is this TONIGHT from 5 to 6:30 pm! See you there!

An email from the school was sent out today about the Color Run. The event is tomorrow right after school (Rain date: May 5th)! Change of plans for dismissal! Your child will NOT go to Parent Pick Up! They will meet you down at the blacktop! We will have a teacher walk all the kids down for the event. I have a master list of who signed up. Kids are encouraged to wear their Color Run shirts to school tomorrow!

Earth Day Homework! Please have your child bring in ONE CLEAN item that can be recycled (detergent bottle, soda bottle/can, aluminum can, glass jar, magazine, newspaper, paper, plastic water bottle, small cardboard box, cereal boxes, pasta box, etc.). Please make sure the plastic items are labeled 1-7! We will be using these to learn about Earth Day TOMORROW!

On May 12th, we will have a special music program called How Does Your Garden Grow. More information will be coming home on Friday. We are asking that you please send in a t-shirt in a plastic bag with your child’s name on it by Friday the 28th! I know this is a fast turnaround. If you do not want to buy one you can send in $5 with a name/size and a parent will buy one for you. This shirt can be an old shirt turned inside out that you don’t mind getting decorated but it needs to be free of writing or print. Thanks!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Part    Child's Name            Shirt Color   
Gardner         Maggie           Blue   
Gardner         Yahna             Blue   
Gardner         Priscila           Blue   
Gardner         Nick                Blue   
Gardner         Landon          Blue   
Gardner         Bryson           Blue   
Gardner         Elizabeth       Blue   
Gardner         Mila                Blue   
Broccoli (Plant)       Anders           Green
Tomato (Plant)        Kiernan         Red    
Strawberry (Plant)  Addison         Red    
Corn (Plant) Bennet           Green
Flower           Brynn             White
Flower           Abigail           White
Flower           Sophia            White           
Flower           Kayleigh        White
Flower           Madison        White
Scarecrow      Eshan             Plaid  
Scarecrow      Evie                Plaid  
Scarecrow      Serenity         Plaid  
Scarecrow      Andrew          Plaid  
Scarecrow      Brendan        Plaid