Hi Parents!
Here is what we did today!
had P.E. We played coconuts. We practiced hula hooping and jump roping.
did math. We played How Many Am I Hiding? We played with 10 cubes. One person
hides some of the cubes and the other person closes their eyes and they have to
figure out how many were hiding. We have a sheet where we can keep track. We
had a board we could use to help us. We wrote subtraction number sentences.
of chicks hatched! Eight hatched last night and one hatched today. We have 11
in all. (Kayleigh)
did writing. We did 2 times in our chick journal. One was before Fundations and
one was for writing. The first one Mrs. Hotchkiss gave us a picture of a chick.
The 2nd time Mrs. Hotchkiss gave us a picture of a life cycle. (Bennett)
had Daily 5. We got to do 2 choices. We will do one after closing meeting.
had lunch. (Maggie)
read a book about baby chicks. (Brynn)
did our poem. It was called I’m a Little Chicken. We highlighted digraphs.
There were lots of them! (Yahna)
did Fundations. We did the word family –et. We did the vowel chart and big
cards. (Abigail)
We need supplies donated for our Kindergarten
musical on May 12th! Please use this link and send in items by
Monday, May 1st!
Tonight is the PTA meeting!
Thursday is Rainbow Colors day! Kindergarten is
wearing red.
Friday we will be celebrating 100 Cougar
Compliments by having another favorite toy/electronic party! Each student is allowed to
bring one small toy to school this day. This could be a small bag of legos or
blocks, an action figure, a doll, stuffed animal, toy car, etc. No toy weapons
please! Students are allowed to bring an electronic toy (such as a DS or
small tablet) as long as the sound can be turned off or headphones can be
plugged in. Please make sure it is fully charged or has new batteries. Please
do not send valuable electronic toys because these toys will be unsupervised at
times (recess, specials, etc.) Students will have the opportunity to play with
these items at specific points in the school day. They will only be allowed to
play with the toy in the classroom setting (not bus line, etc.) Please let me
know if you have any questions!