Hi Parents!
Here is what we did today!
had our new student Kayleigh today. Some kids were her buddies. (Elizabeth) Welcome Kayleigh!!
did Fundations. We wrote the letters U and V. We wrote them in our Fundations
notebook. We colored our pictures. We did small cards and big cards and the
vowel chart. (Yahna)
had Daily 5. We got to do 2 choices. Elizabeth got to help Kayleigh. (Brendan)
did math. We played a new math game called Part Whole Bingo. You rolled 2 dice
and you put the 2 numbers together to see what you have. You cover the whole
row with the number or split it into parts. (Sophia)
had closing meeting and snack. (Pricila)
did P.E. We played Guard Your Pin. How you play is you roll the ball and try to
get the other person’s pin. When it knocks over you have to go on the wall and
hold it and run one lap. (Landon and Keirnan)
had morning meeting and we did white boards. I showed Kayleigh around the room.
had morning meeting and we did calendar and days in school reporter. (Evie)
had writing. We got to share with a partner what we are going to make for our
how to books. We got to write on the smartboard our ideas. (Sophia)
did recess and lunch. (Mila)
This Friday I am doing a project that requires
multiple boxes of Fruit Loops! If
you would like to donate some to our
class please reply to this email and send in a box by Friday morning! Thank