Monday, October 3, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We had snack. (Pricila)

We had library. We checked out a new book. (Kiernan)

We got to get on the computers after library. (Nick)

We played on the blacktop and the woodchips. (Yahna)

We had Fundations. We learned about the letter b. We did the letter sound. We practiced writing the letter b. (Elizabeth, Addison, Yahna)

Did a “b” song. (Landon)

We did the Pledge of Allegiance. We did the Mill Creek Pledge. (Anders)

We read The Apple Pie Tree. (Evie)

We did an apple tree counting book for math. (Anders)

We wrote about our weekend. (Lexi) This is called Monday News. The kids will write about their weekend every Monday so I will have a collection of writing at the end of the year!

We did the winter page of our apple tree book. (Serenity) We talked about the seasons of the apple tree.

Thank you for signing up for the apple tasting day! Our list if full! You all rock!!

Pumpkin drop sales start tomorrow in the commons!

Have a great night!

Mill Creek Elementary
Kindergarten Teacher