Thursday, September 29, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to music-Evie

PIE (Partners in Education) came to our class-Nick These people explained their role in the community and then explained how they help our school!

Mrs. Rawlings came to read us a book-Elizabeth She talked to the class about our word of the year: Effort!

We had two recesses-Brendan

We did Work on Writing in Daily 5-Sophia

We worked on Math work stations-Kiernan

We met Elizabeth’s mom-Addison She helped our class create a fun story for our raffle basket!

We had lunch-Lexi

We drew pictures of our houses-Mila We are working on our One and Only Me books! Today we talked about adding labels to our pictures.

We played on the blacktop and the wood chips-Yahna

We are having snack-Madison

We watched a movie in music class-Serenity

We had education time with Echo-Abigail This is a program called Fundations. It is our word study time. We will be learning letters, letter sounds, handwriting formation, etc. Echo the owl is a puppet who helps the kids remember the letters and sounds!

Here is closing meeting with Mrs. Cockrell yesterday…

Closing meeting  9-28-16

We had P.E. outside today! (Nick)

We learned about the letter and sound for “t” (Elizabeth)

We had counselor (Kiernan)

We did closing meeting and snack (Abigail)

We met Echo and baby Echo. They will help us learn our letters and sounds (Mila)

We got to play on blacktop and woodchips at lunch recess (Addison)

We made 3 D shapes with marshmallows and toothpicks!  (Yahna)

We colored a book about Fall. (Sophia)

We had 2 recesses (Brenden)

We did playdough with counselor (Evie)

We did math workstations (Addison)

We read 2 books about fall.

We read a book about a Llama. (Bryson)

Mill Creek Elementary
Kindergarten Teacher