Thursday, September 1, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to library. We practiced logging on the computers. (Elizabeth)

We made an “I Can” speech bubble. We put a good choices inside of it. (Yahna)

We had Daily 5. We practiced Read to Self. (Andy) This is during our reading workshop time. Students are working on building their reading stamina. We read out of our book boxes for 3 minutes today! They learned that they can read the words or the pictures.

We made our face! (Madison)

We went on a circle hunt. (Sophia)

For math we turned a circle into something else. (Mila)

We are having snack. (Kiernan)

We had lunch and recess. (Addison)

We did a project. We had no me bag. (Bennett and Andy)

We read No David. We did a sort for poor choices and good choices. We did one on the Smartboard and one at our tables. (Anders)

TONIGHT  is our “get the scoop” night open house! It is from 4:30-6 pm. Kindergarten will have a school scavenger hunt for you to do with your student! We hope you can come!

TOMORROW I will have a sub again. There is a Back to School assembly outside in the morning. Please have your child bring a towel to sit on. They may also wear sunglasses or a hat to school.

Have a great weekend!