Thursday, September 22, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!!

We learned about cylinders and other 3D shapes. (Bennett) We also sorted objects on the Smartboard by their 3D shape!

We had music and we watched a movie. (Addison and Kiernan)

We are having snack. (Evie)

We are going to do Serenity’s Me Bag. (Yahna)

We had lunch and 2 recesses. (Elizabeth and Abigail)

We did the days in school. We have been in school 25 days. 5 more days until 30! (Nick)

We did math workstations. (Mila)

Ms. Biener, our school counselor, came. We talked about taking turns, taking a belly breath, and solving problems. (Serenity)

We did our 5 rules. (Lexi)

We did my Me Bag! We also did my name on the white boards and we drew a picture of me and my name poster! (Sophia)

Fun Fest Baskets
The deadline for donations will be pushed to next Wednesday the 28th since there is no school Monday! If you would like to send in a gift card for our ‘Gift Cards Galore” basket we would very much appreciate it! Thank you if you have already turn one (or 2) into me!

Please send in your Field Trip forms!

Here is the closing meeting from our sub yesterday!

Closing Meeting

We had P.E. (Kiernan)
We played a game like bowling (Sophia)
We had Serenity’s Me Bag (Elizabeth)
We did Serenity’s name poster (Nick)
We played on the playground AND on the black top (Yahna)
We had a substitute teacher (Addison)
We played a math game (Mila)
We had a snack (Evie)
We drew a picture of Serenity (Serenity)