Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We went to library. We picked out books. (Owen and Lyrik)

We made firefighter hats. We cut them out and Mrs. Hotchkiss stapled it. We learned about firefighters. (Ginger, Dylan, and JR)

We read a book about firefighters at snack time. (Mikayla and Sophia)

For the first time, we got to do our writing folders. We wrote about things that have happened in our lives. (Sophia)

We did math workstations. (Connor)

We did Daily 5. (Logan)

We turned nothings into somethings. (Layla) This was a creativity lesson given my Ann Cardetti from the CPS gifted center! She will come 2 more times to do creativity lessons with the class. They talked about being fluent thinkers with a brainstorm of ideas!

We did our poem about community helpers. (Andrew)

We went outside and did lunch. (Jayden and Sophia)

We did new letters for Fundations. We did c and o. (Kate)

We have 69 Cougar Compliments! (Lyrik)


Cookie Dough! Pick up is happening now! Come grab your dough! Kids with less than 3 items sold were sent home with their sales.

Picture retakes are tomorrow! Please send back your picture packet if your child is getting retakes done. Please reply to this email if your child is having retakes done. Thanks!

This week we are collecting food for the Central Missouri Food Bank! Please bring nonperishable food items to the bins in the commons!

I am still missing some parent responses for Parent Teacher Conferences! Please fill out the survey ASAP! http://goo.gl/forms/QIk25A69en
I will try to send home my schedule by the end of the week!

Have a great night!