Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did math workstations. We did 2 choices. (James)

We did music. We learned a new song. It was a mountain song. It had interrupting animals. (Sylus and Mikayla)

We made signs. We did a railroad crossing sign, a stop sign, a school crosswalk sign, and bike crossing sign. (Layla)

We did Daily 5. (Evan)

We did snack. Mrs. Hotchkiss read a book about being safe. (Logan)

We learned about inventory bags and what was in the bag. There are lots of different ways to count. There is no right or wrong way! (Andrew)

We read Rocket Writes a Story. We are going to write stories. (Kymiah)

We got to see our writing folders. (Owen)

We did the calendar and the days in school this morning. (JR)

We did our poem I Can Be Safe. We talked about how to be safe in the car. (Sophia)

We did Fundations. We did magnet boards. (Jayden)

We went outside and went to lunch. (Malai)

Tomorrow is Heavenly Hats! Your child can bring $1 for charity and wear a hat to school! Tomorrow night is also Cougar Fun Fest from 5 to 8 pm.

If you are looking for great websites for your child to play on don’t forget about my classroom website! The link is in my signature! Just click on the “Links” page!

Parent teacher conferences will be the week of November 9th. I will be holding mine after school on November 10th - 12th and the morning of the 13th. Please fill out the survey below so I can schedule a day and time with you!