Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did music. We sang songs. (James)

We did writing. We made a coupon book. It is for moms and dads for Valentine’s Day. (Will M. and Caroline)

We had inside for first recess. (Evalynn)

We did the calendar. (Abby)

We had project. We made a heart with ripped paper. We glued them on. (Aster)

We did morning meeting. (Azayla)

We did Fundations. (Adalynn)

We did math. We used paper candies to make 10. (Parker)

We wrote all our word wall words. (Hayden)

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day! Have your student bring in their cards to pass out tomorrow morning. We will have our party at 2:20 pm! Hope you can come!

Have a great night!