Hi Parents!
Here is what we
did today!
We did library. We did Starfall or ABCya.
Mrs. Imhoff said if we know how to get to Starfall or ST Math or ABCya by
ourselves then she will be proud of us. (Russell and Ismael)
We did an earthquake drill. (Isaac)
We did writing. We wrote what we did over
the weekend. Miss Abby came while we were doing it. (Maclyn)
We did closing meeting and snack. (Britt)
We did Fundations. We learned the letter d.
It is not a vowel. We colored a picture of a dog in our notebooks. (AJ)
We did math. We did the 8 and 9 pages in
our book. We are trying to make it like Anno’s Counting Book. (Blake and
We did Makerspace. We made paper houses
with tape. We had to make a house and the big bad wolf was trying to knock it
down. Ms. Stemmons made a paper fan to see if it would fall. (Dempsey)
We did Daily 5. (Audylynn)
We did the weather. (Madelynn)
We did the poem A Shopping We Will Go. (Sky
and Erin)
If your student
has not sent in the nutrition homework they still can! We are not sorting until
Please make sure
you are on time for your conference this week! I have a lot of information to
share in 15 minutes so I will try my
very best to keep everyone on time but I need your help! Thank you! Looking
forward to meeting you this week!