Hi Parents!
Here is what we
did today!
We did art. We drew walls in Mr. Gwinner’s
room. (Russell)
We did a skeleton puzzle because we are
learning about bones. It had a skull, rib cage, and thigh bone. It is made out
of foam. (Maclyn and Dempsey)
We did closing meeting and snack. (Britt)
We did math. We played Racing Bears.
(Isaac) This is a great counting game! We also
worked on decomposing numbers (turning rolling a 5 into moving one bear 2 spaces
and another 3 spaces).
We did Daily 5. (Carmel Grace and Sky)
We did the weather. (Madelynn)
We read a book about bones. (Brooklynn)
We did math workstations, the calendar, and
schedule. (Wilson and Ismael)
We did Fundations. We did the letter e on
our whiteboards and on Starfall too. (Emma)
Have a great