Friday, September 15, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did my Me Bag. (Sky)

We did morning meeting. We counted our lunch choices. (AJ)

We did math. We did 5 frames. It has 5 empty boxes and we fill it counters. (Brooklynn)

We did Sky’s name page. We try to use realistic colors. (Maclyn)

We went to music. We got to pick and we played red light, green light. (Wilson)

We read a book about our 6 inch voice. (Dempsey and Madelynn)

We did our writing journals. (Isaac)

We did Sky’s name poster. (Joshua)

We earned 100 Cougar Compliments!! (Ismael) We will celebrate on Friday, September 22nd and have a pajama party! I will send home more details next week!

We did a brain break. (Brooklynn)

We did closing meeting. (Xander)

We spelled. (Carmel)

We did the poem “I Can” and we put it in our poetry folders. We highlighted the word “can”. (Audylynn)

Today in the folder you will find information about the Social Growth and Work Habits Updates that I will begin sending home next week. These work habits will match the areas indicated on the grade card. I will score the students and give comments about how they are doing. Please read this over carefully and keep it for your reference!

Also please make sure you are checking Class Dojo for daily behavior reports. If you click on the tab that says "your kids" the report should pop up with the points given or the "needs work" marks. If an area is marked “needs work” I try to attach a note describing the minor incident. I do not think the app will notify you when I give points or when I mark “needs work”, it is just something that need checked daily if you would like to monitor their behavior at school. If an incident is very serious, I will call home.

Please make sure your student is practicing their student ID number! Most students have these memorized! Way to go! Starting Monday the cafeteria will begin selling ice cream for students to purchase. Students must know their lunch number to purchase the ice cream! Some sweet motivation!!

Just a reminder, students are welcome to bring one book from home to keep in their book box to read during Daily 5 time. Please make sure these books on the smaller side (not board books) so they do not take up too much room! 

Also please make sure your student has a snack in their backpack daily. I do not have extra snacks. The nurses office has a few extra snacks but we would like to save these for kids participating in the Buddy Pack program.

This Thursday, September 21st from 4:30-6 is our Curriculum Night Open House! Come and go as you need to! We will be doing a math scavenger hunt and I will put out some math activities! Bring your student!! Many of the other grades will be doing scheduled presentations.

Have a great weekend!!