Thursday, February 26, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

Miss Miller showed us the eggs. We got to touch the eggs from our experiment. The vinegar egg was squishy! The one in the water was white. The eggs in the coke and coffee were brown. We have to remember to brush our teeth. (Blair and Lexie T.)

We got 100 Cougar Compliments! We are going to have a movie and popcorn party. (Zain) This will be next Friday!

We did writing. We did the last page of our book. (Emily and Kate)

In Fundations we learned the –ck digraph. (Aidin and Anna)

We had library. We picked books. (Cordae)

We did Daily 5. Some people got to do reading groups. We did 2 choices. (Lexi B.)

Student Council came to give announcements. (Livi)

We did Quick Eyes in math. (Adeline)

I am looking forward to meeting with you tonight or tomorrow morning if I have not already. No school tomorrow because of conferences!

You do not need to return the bottom portion of the grade card!

Lots of important papers coming home today including summer school information and a March calendar!

Have a great weekend!