Hi Parents!
Here is what we did today!
made word wall word flash cards. (Brock)
did P.E. We played a new tag game called Healthy Habits where we became germs
if we got tagged. It was good exercise. (Brooke and Lexie T.)
read a book called One Zillion Valentine’s. (Livi)
readers came. They read Happy Valentine’s Day Little Critter. (Zain)
did Daily 5. We love Daily 5. (Aidin and Anna)
did writing. For writing, we wrote an opening sentence for our stories. (Kate)
did math. We used the colors red and pink to find a hidden heart in the
numbers. (Kamri)
Fundations we did tapping. We tapped words in the –et word family. We wrote W
and X on our white boards. (Blair)
Please have your child bring valentine cards for
each child in the class. If you need
cards please let us know because we have plenty of extras! Please have your
child write their name on the cards as well as the name of the person they are
giving the card to (on the envelope and/or designated spot on the card). First names are fine. Let your child do as much of the writing as
possible (good handwriting practice)!
Then have them bring all of their cards to school in some type of bag
(paper bag, Wal-Mart bag, Ziploc, etc.) with their name on the outside. We will be passing these out tomorrow before
the party. We will be decorating
valentine sacks here at school so there is no need to bring in a sack or box
from home. Let us know if you have any