Friday, April 5, 2019

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did morning meeting. (Abby and Will C.)

We did poem. We highlighted it. (James)

We did art. We painted our dinosaurs. (Adalynn)

We had math. We got to do this game where we asked “would you rather”. We walked around with a clipboard and we asked kids our question. We counted which one had the most. (Aster)

Kennedy was the teacher assistant. (Aiden)

We did writing. We wrote about what we wanted to teach. We made a list of things we need. (Caroline)

We did calendar. (Azayla)

It is Friday so we sang the Friday song. (Evalynn)

We did project. We did a mini book about rain and the water cycle. It sounds like London Bridge is Falling Down. (Hayden)

We did read aloud. It was about storms. (Parker)

We did how many days in school. We also talked about how many days are left in school. We have been in school 136 days and we have 36 days left in school. (Aster)

Lots of important information coming home in folders today!! Make sure you look at the field trip note, the save the date for our end of the year Kindergarten singing program (graduation), special events, book orders, etc.

April Scholastic book orders are due April 12th! I wanted to have these due early in the month just in case you need books for Easter baskets! Just let me know if you want me to “hide” books for you to pick up at a different time.

Reading bags are coming home today! Please have your child read these book to you over the weekend and return these books on Monday!