Friday, December 14, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We worked on our surprise for moms and dads. (Azayla)

We had library. The computers read a book to us. (Aster)

We read a book called Reindeer. (James)

We highlighted all the word wall words in our poem. (Maya)

We made a reindeer headband. (Abby)

We did the weather. (Rylan)

We used a balance in math. We figured out which things were heavier and lighter. (Hayden)

We did recess. (Maya)

We had Fundations. We did the letters l, k, and h. We got new whiteboards. (Aster and Maya)

We wrote in our reindeer book. (Kent)

We had morning meeting. (Aster)

We did the calendar. (Parker)

Next week is spirit week!  Students are free to participate in any or all of the days!
Mon, Dec. 17-Red and White Day
Tues, Dec. 18-Ugly or Cute Sweater Day
Wed, Dec. 19-Pajama/Holiday Headgear or Hat Day (Kindergarten will do a Polar Express day this day!)
Thurs, Dec. 20-Fancy Socks Day
Also, just a reminder that Winter Break will be from Fri, Dec. 21 through Wed, Jan 2.  School will resume on Thurs, Jan. 3. 

Thank you and have a great weekend!