Hi Parents!
Here is what we did today!
celebrated Nick’s birthday since his real birthday is during summer break. We
ate glazed donuts. (Mila)
had P.E. We played a game to practice soccer. You kicked the ball to your
partner. If you knocked over your neighbors pin you had to do 5 push-ups.
practiced our program with our costumes on. Scarecrows, groundhogs, and bunny
didn’t practice with face paint. (Evie)
did a Mother’s Day project but it’s a secret. (Maggie)
read Mercy Watson. We met someone new in the book. His name is Officer
Tomilello. Baby Lincoln snuck in the Watson’s convertible. Baby Lincoln’s
sister, Eugenia, is mean. (Abigail)
did Daily 5. We did 2 choices. (Sophia)
had lunch and recess. (Brendan)
had closing meeting and snack. We are going to do play time. (Kiernan)
had morning meeting and we did whiteboards. (Yahna)
Here are the reminders about the program
tomorrow!! Hope to see you there!
Dear Parents:
We are working hard this week to get ready for our
kindergarten performance. Here is a little information so you know what to
expect on Friday.
- The performance will be starting at 2:20. We will be performing
in the cafeteria. Seating may be limited. The cafeteria will be open for
seating at 2:10…. Please do not plan on coming earlier. The custodial
staff will be working as quickly as possible transitioning from
lunch setup to performance seating. It is important that we give them the
space to get that accomplished as quickly as possible.
- Children’s performance shirts/ costumes will be worn over
your child’s clothing.
- If you sent in money for a t-shirt, those HAVE BEEN
purchased and you will be able to take those home after the performance.
- If your child owns a pair of sunglasses, please
send those to school anytime between now and Friday. YOU DO NOT NEED to go
out a buy a pair of sunglasses for your child.
- After the performance the children will be led back to
their class. We ask that parents remain seated until all students have
left the cafeteria. You may go to your child’s classroom to take pictures
and retrieve your child.
- All additional costume items (beyond the t-shirt) need
to be left at school with your child’s teacher. You are welcome to
take your child’ t-shirt home with you. We will leave kids in costume
until pictures are taken.
- After the performance you are welcome to take your
child home since it will be close to dismissal. You will NOT need to sign
your child out. For safety reasons PLEASE let your child’s teacher know
that you are taking your child BEFORE you leave.
The performance is looking fabulous and we can’t wait to
perform for you. Thanks so much!
Sincerely, The Kindergarten Team