Hi Parents!
Here is what we did today!
did writing. Our books have dedications. We finished our books and we read it
to our partner. We are taking them home today! (Layla and Mikayla) The kids worked VERY hard on these personal
narrative stories! Make sure they read them to you tonight! We talked about how
authors pick titles and cover artwork. We wrote opening sentences to include
who, what, when, and where. The students also planned how what happened first,
next, and last and used these drawing to write their story in order. We added
dedications at the end. We spent a couple days on editing and revising to make
it our best! They went back and added details and fixed mechanical errors. Way
to go guys! This is something you will definitely want to keep!
went to art and we finished up our fish painting. We got to free draw or paint
whatever you wanted. It is fun! (Evan and Andrew)
is the 115th day of school. Today is the first day of March. (Max)
did math. We played On and Off. It was a different version. We had a game
board. We had 5 cubes in all. We dropped it on the paper. We told our partner
how many landed on and how many landed off. We wrote that number of the paper.
did read aloud. We read a book about keeping our bodies healthy. (Jayden)
Daily 5 some of us did reading groups. For morning job we did a paper for the
word “for”. (Lyrik)
Tonight is the PTA meeting at 6:30 if you can make