Thursday, February 4, 2016

Hi Parents!

This is what we did today:

We did writing and we wrote on our plan sheets. We wrote what our story was about and where our story took place. After that, we wrote in our writing folders if we had time. (Kate)

Mrs. Hotchkiss had a lot of meetings, so we had Miss Tappana teach for us because she is usually Mrs. Hotchkiss’ helper. She’s very fun! (Sophia)

We had art. We made self-portraits. We used straight lines and squiggly lines, then we wrote over it with Sharpies. (Andrew)

We did morning job. We split the cookies evenly into groups. (Logan and Lyrik)

For math, we got to have a piece of paper that had dogs and bones. We had to put bones in the box in order to split them evenly. Some friends got to share how they figured out how to split the bones evenly. (Ginger)

We did Daily 5 and Mrs. Hotchkiss already prepared our first choice, so we just had to make our second choice. (Jayden)

Today is the 99th day of school! Tomorrow will be the 100th day of school!! (Max) Don’t forget your collection of 100 things for the 100th day of school tomorrow! We are so excited for everything we have planned tomorrow to celebrate the 100th day of Kindergarten!

We read the 100th Day Worries. Miss Tappana read it. Tomorrow will be the 100th day and we will make our 100th day snack. We will make our 100th day glasses and wear them tomorrow! (JR)                                      

Enjoy your Wednesday evening!

Thank you!

Allison Tappana
Twitter: MissTappanaMCE