Friday, February 19, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did math. We played Quick Eyes. We played Hexagons. The goal is to fill up the whole board. You and your partner have to figure out what number it is. (Dylan) This was a game to practice quick images. Kids had to match the number card to the arrangement of dots on the board. The dots were arranged in various ways so they had to use grouping skills to figure out the numbers!

We did library. We picked out our books and went to the computer lab. We had a fire drill in the library. (Layla)

We did read aloud. We read about George Washington. When George Washington was a little boy he liked to ride horses. (Logan and Connor)

We did writing. We wrote our title on the cover and we drew a picture to match. We looked at some book titles during writing. We looked at what picture the authors picked from their books. (Kate and Andrew)

We did the Pledge of Allegiance. We highlighted the Pledge of Allegiance for our book box. (Mikayla)

We went to the book fair and we looked at books. We had to be really careful because we didn’t buy any books. (Ginger)

We went outside for recess. The weather was really, really good! (Evan)

We learned the letters Q and R during Fundations. (Max)

In your child’s folder you will find a book order form! The best way to order is to use our online account so we can earn free books! Here is the link!

You will also find a finalized PTC schedule and a fun math game!

Enjoy your weekend!