Thursday, December 10, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We baked a Gingerbread Man. We tried to pick him up after P.E. but he ran away! (James) I have lots of great pictures on Twitter! Check them out! Also don’t miss Ms. Gail telling her story!

We did P.E. (Logan)

We looked around the school and talked to some teachers. All the Gingerbread Men ran away today! Every Kindergarten class is trying to find their Gingerbread Man! (Sophia)

For writing we got to learn when we are all done we can reread our writing and we can add more detail to our picture and add more to our words. When you are done you can read it with a friend and when you are all done you can get a new piece of paper. (Ginger)

We read The Gingerbread Baby book. (Layla)

We made a poster and we are going to finish it tomorrow. The poster is to help us find the Gingerbread Man who ran away! We made a plan to make posters. We tried to add detail just in case someone finds it they know where to take it! (Sophia and Sylus)

We decorated the Gingerbread Man with gum drops with magic sugar. It ran away like the books! (Kate)

A very exciting day in Kindergarten! Hopefully we can find him tomorrow!! ;)

If your child would like another chance to shop at the holiday shop please make sure they bring their money first thing tomorrow morning! This is totally optional!

Have a great night!