Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We played Grab and Count Least to Most and we had new partners today. We grab cubes and you see which is the most and which is the least. (James)

We did Daily 5. (Evan)

We read the book Don’t Let the Pigeon Stay Up Late. (Kate)

We did math workstations. We had new partners. (Dylan and Sophia)

We did Fundations. Our new letters are h and k. We did the vowel chart, little cards, big cards, and we wrote the letters on our white boards. (Mikayla)

We did library. (Logan)

We had 2 recesses. (Jayden)

We did our poem “Needs and Wants”. We played a game where we sorted needs and wants. Our word wall word is “and”. We pointed to the words. (Ginger)

We did writing time. We made movies in our heads to help us tell our stories. (Layla) We talked about visualizing to help us add details to our pictures and to our words!

We did the calendar. Today is a new month. It is December. Christmas is coming. There are a lot of stay home days. (Sylus)

Some kids got to read at the circle table. (Lyrik)

From December 7th - 18th, MCE will be doing a Paper Products Drive to help support
Coyote Hill, Rainbow House, and Ronald McDonald House.
Items needs include:
Toilet paper
Paper Towels
Trash bags
To-Go containers
Disinfecting Wipes

Drop off donations in the boxes located in the commons.

Have a great night!