Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We played Racing Bears. (Lyrik) Students roll a die and move a bear counter up trying to capture a cube. This makes it a game of strategy as well as counting. The players must choose which counter to move based on where the counter is and what number was rolled on the dice. 
They can also split a roll. In other words, if a five is rolled, then the player can choose to move five spaces all at once or 2 spaces with one counter and 3 spaces with another. 

We did art. In art we made textures. We are taking home our pinch pots. Mr. Gwinner read us a funny poem. (Logan, Andrew, and JR)

We sorted some food pictures. We put in the food group chart. (Kate and James)

We did our calendar. (Jayden)

We had counselor. We talked about feelings and good secrets and bad secrets. Our paper tells us to stop what we are doing, walk away, and tell an adult you trust. (Sophia)

Ms. Mielke’s dog came. Her name is Pepper. (Layla and Dylan)

We did our big cards and little cards in Fundations. People came up to the SmartBoard and wrote j and p. (Sylus)

We did the Zero the Hero Stomp because we got to another group of 10. It was the 60th day of school. (Ginger)

We did our last page of our food page. It was the meat and protein page. We picked our favorite type of protein and we put it in our book. We are taking them home. (Evan and Sophia)

We did morning buzz. (Owen)

Dylan led us in our class rules. We did the schedule. (Malai)

For snack time, we listened to a book on the SmartBoard. It was about eating healthy foods. The bears were not eating healthy food and they started eating healthy foods. (Sophia)