Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did our oval shape. We colored our oval page. (Andrew, Dylan, and Malai)

We looked for ovals. (Owen)

We checked out books. (Jayden)

We read Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? (Kate)

Ms. Mielke came today. (Connor)

We got to make a Mr. Potato Head picture with Ms. Mielke. (Layla)

We did Kymiah’s name cheer and her name poster. (Lyrik and JR)

We learned about Kymiah. (James)

We had writing time. We drew Kymiah and wrote her name. (Sylus)

We went to library. (Ginger)

We learned how to get on the computer and type. (Evan)

We practiced Work on Writing. (Sophia)

We watched 2 kids do Work on Writing. We talked about if their choices what they did right. Mrs. Hotchkiss showed us the wrong way. (James)

Grandparents Day! Please read!!
Please take this short survey so I can know who to expect for Grandparent’s Day this Friday from 9-10 am!

Please make sure to return field trip and Lego club forms ASAP! It looks like I am short on parent volunteers for the field trip so please let me know if you are still interested!

Have a great night!