Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did music. We sang Halloween songs. (Maya)

Parker’s mom came to read to us. (James)

We are having a special snack. Adalynn and Will M. brought snack. (Rylan)

Mr. Hotchkiss came to read. (Azayla)

Mr. Hotchkiss gave me a Cougar ticket! (Caroline)

My dad came to read! (Henry)

It is Halloween! (Abby)

We did math workstations. (Will C.)

Mrs. Zapata came and we made pudding. (Evalynn)

Caroline mom came. She read Hallo-Weiner. She made a craft we could eat! It was a spider. (Adalynn and Caroline)

We did math. We counted candy corns. (Aster and Rose)

My mommy came! (Aiden)

We played a game and Mrs. Hotchkiss told a story. We put the candy on bag. (Azayla)

Have a great Halloween!

Please don’t send in candy for snack tomorrow. They are welcome to have a piece or two in their lunch box! Have a great night!