Hi Parents!
Here is what we
did today!
We did the weather. (Isaac)
We had a short day. The teachers have
meetings. (Joshua)
We did the calendar. (Sky)
We read the book from Seed to Pumpkin.
We did whiteboards. (Carmel Grace)
We did closing meeting. (Britt)
We did math. We did story problems. We
could use our fingers or whiteboards to draw a picture. (Emma)
We did morning meeting. (Blake)
We did the letter u. We wrote it on
whiteboards. (Wilson)
Tomorrow we are going to cut open the
pumpkin. (Dempsey)
We did writing. We did a scrambled
sentences book. We did “I like red apples” page. (Ismael and Amane)
We did the poem. We learned how we need to
our mouths ready to make the sounds. (Maclyn)
Tomorrow is
picture retake day. Please reply to this email and return your original picture
packet if your student is having retakes done.