Thursday, August 24, 2017

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We painted in art class. We painted dots. (Maclyn and Carmel Grace)

We made Pete the Cat headbands. (Brooklynn)

We ate lunch. (Blake)

We played outside. (Sky)

We read a dot book in art class. (AJ)

We drew a picture of Audylynn. (Madelynn)

We did the name cheer. (Erin)

We had a partner and we played math workstations. (Ismael)

We wrote Audylynn’s name on the whiteboards. (Sky)

We practiced our rules. (Maclyn)

We had snack. (AJ)

Please see the attached flyer if you would like to sign your student up for MCE Chess Club! Here is the link to sign up!