Hi Parents!
Here is what we did today!
had P.E. We had to dance with a boy! (Yahna and Elizabeth)
had a toy party! We got to bring our electronics or a toy. (Nick and Maggie)
had Fundations. We had magnet boards. With our magnet boards we did tapping.
reviewed Racing Bears. (Kiernan) We
will play this math game tonight at Cocoa Night! See you at 4:30 pm!
had Daily 5. (Addison)
had writing. After writing instead of writing folders we got to play with
electronics or play with our toys. (Anders)
did The Snowy Day book for writing. We wrote about how he put the
snowball in his pocket. (Serenity)
had read aloud. We read another book about Martin Luther King Jr. His niece
wrote it. (Evie and Sophia)
did snack, closing meeting, lunch, and recess. (Nick)
did morning meeting, morning buzz, calendar, days in school, schedule, what we
had for lunch, and the pledge of allegiance. (Sophia and Anders)
Cocoa Night Open House is this TONIGHT from 4:30-6 pm. Feel free to come at any point
during that time! The focus of the evening is math, science, and technology.
The STEM bus will be here to demonstrate activities and we will be playing a
math game in our classroom. Like a traditional open house, your child can
show you around the classroom as well. There will be hot cocoa served during
the evening to enjoy!
100th Day of School is quickly approaching! Currently, the 100th Day of
School is scheduled for Thursday, February 2nd (unless we have any
snow days between now and then). Our class is planning a celebration for the
100th Day of School in which all learning activities will be centered around
the number 100.
a part of our day, our class will be creating a “100th Day Museum.” Please
have your child bring a collection of 100 things to school on Thursday,
February 2nd. The collection needs to be small enough for your child to
carry to school. Some examples might include 100 paperclips, cotton
balls, pennies, cereal pieces, ribbons, beads, toothpicks, pencils, playing
cards, etc. Let your child use his/her imagination to come up with a
unique, one of a kind collection. Our class will be displaying their
collections on the 100th Day of School during math.
addition, on the 100th Day of School each student will create his/her own
special snack of with 100 pieces of food (like a trail mix). For
this special snack, we would like to ask for donations. Thank
you if you have already sent in items! I made a Google Doc signup sheet
so we can finish getting what we need!
sign up using this link: https://goo.gl/dr8Mn8
Please send in your snack donations by January 30th, so we can ensure we
have enough snack for each student. Each student will get 10 pieces of 10
snack foods for their trail mix. Please make sure that your snack
donation is enough for 22 students. Thank you for your help!