Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did snack. For snack we read Mercy Watson Thinks Like a Pig and then we started Mercy Watson Something Wonky This Way Comes. They go to a drive in movie. They had buttered popcorn and Leroy Ninker was selling the popcorn. (Mikayla)

We did writing. For writing we did another survey. It was would you rather eat fruits or vegetables. Then we wrote 3 reasons why we would rather eat fruits or vegetables. (Connor)

We did music. It was our last music. We watched the end of Sillyville. (Evan)

We did Fundations. We did big cards, little cards, vowel chart, and we tapped nonsense words. That means they are not real words they are silly fake words. Some people came up and made the words that we tapped. (Sophia)

We did morning buzz. We shared about what we want to do this summer. (Andrew)

We did Daily 5. (Jayden)

We did math. For math we played a game How Many More to Make 8? You rolled the dice. If you roll 4 you have to cover up 4 because that is how many more you need to make 8. Your goal is to fill the whole board up. (Kate)

We did program practice. We sang the 3 little pigs song. (Max)

Friday the 20th is the last day to return library books!

Important announcements for next week!
Sadly, my last day with the kids will be this Friday the 20th (if the baby is not here by then). Miss Tappana will be teaching next week!

Monday the 23rd: “Hats Off” to Summer Celebration and End of the Year Assembly! Students are welcome to wear their favorite hat or pair of sunglasses to school for the outside assembly. They are encouraged to wear MCE sprit wear (dark blue and silver)! Kids are also encouraged to bring a towel to sit on during the assembly! They can keep it in their locker for field day!

Tuesday the 24th: Field Day! Kindergarteners will have fun in the sun from 8:30 to 9:50 a.m.  Remind your child to wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes for all of the fun activities.  Your child may bring a favorite hat or sunglasses to school. You might also put an extra pair of clothes in their backpacks just in case they get a little wet. No swimsuits please!! Please apply sunscreen to your child before school on this day!

Wednesday the 25th: Field Day rain date and Kindergarten Program! Our special presentation by Kindergarten Students will be Wednesday, May 25th at 2:20 p.m. in the Cafeteria. You don’t want to miss it!
We will have seating in the Cafeteria for 250 people. Please be aware that there will be standing room in the back of the cafeteria after all seats are filled. When filling in seats please use EVERY seat available so that all chairs are used.
Grade cards will be sent home this day as well.

Thursday the 26th: Last Day of School (early dismissal)! We will be doing a fun Kindergarten rotation outside! Remind your child to wear comfortable clothes and tennis shoes for all of the fun activities.  Please apply sunscreen to your child before school on this day! We will be outside most of the morning.
Students will be released at 12:50 p.m.

Please let me know if you have any questions!!