Friday, January 8, 2016

Hi Parents!

Here is what we did today!

We did writing time. We finished our party hats. We made a project about our balloons. We called a paper face. (Logan and Layla) The kids have been working on a New Year’s resolution project this week! These will be on display on the hallway bulletin boards soon!

It is the 83rd day of Kindergarten. (Connor) The 100th day is quickly approaching! I will send home information next week about our 100th day celebration!

We did a snowball fight. If someone throws it all you, you have to sit down. It was boys vs girls. The snowballs had word wall words. We had to open it and read the word. (Kate)

We did snack. We read a book called Blizzards. It is a really big snow storm. (Andrew)

We did Fundations. For Fundations we did got to do our big cards and our little cards. We did Qu and z. We got to skywrite and write them on the white boards. (Sophia)

We did Daily 5. (Kymiah)

We did our poem. We highlighted the word wall words. We added some pictures. We put it in our poetry folder. (Mikayla)

We played Quick Eyes. It had 2 tens frames. (Malai) We worked on identifying numbers in the teens and describing them using a group of 10. For example, 14 is a group of ten and 4 left over.

We went to music. (Malai)

Your child is coming home with books to read at home this weekend! They picked out a few books from their book box that they wanted to share! Please return these books on Monday!!

There is a book order in their folder as well! To order, there is a link on my classroom website or you can find it here:

Have a great weekend!