Hi Parents!
is what we did today!
went to the library and got a book! (Livi)
had Riley’s birthday snack! (Emily)
got to use an owl puppet. We echoed with Echo the owl. (Anna and Cordae) We will be using Echo the Owl during our “Fun”dations
word study time as we start working on our letters, letter sounds, and letter
handwriting formation!
went outside! (Kate)
was Brock’s Me Bag day. (Lexi B.)
learned about rectangles. (Lexie)
went for a rectangle shape hunt around the room. (Blair)
did a shapes song. (Tristan) We
also read The Shape of Things and began work on our own shapes book
modeled after this book!!
Tomorrow (September 3rd) is our school
picture day! Our class is first thing in the morning! Please put order
forms or online receipts in your child’s
folder! This is the only place I will check in the morning.
forget to tell me your plans for Grandparent’s/Special Friends and Family
Day this Friday from 9-10 a.m.!
Please fill out the short survey so I can plan accordingly. For example,
if you are not able to have someone attend this event, I will know ahead of
time so I can find someone to work with your child! Thanks so much if you have
already filled this out! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1JRHEyUDiHK5Ezly3Tqot0rigrJZS5yoEr3jW4zOFvJw/viewform?usp=send_form
are still in need of a few supplies! For example, we could really use another
class set of individual play-doh containers!!
Please sign up if you would like to donate to our classroom! You can send these
items in with your child at any time! Thank you so much to those parents who
have already sent in items! I really appreciate it! They are so helpful!
Have a great night!