Friday, August 22, 2014

Another successful day in Kindergarten! Here is what the kids said during our closing meeting!

We played out on the playground. (Emily)

We ate snack. (Anna)

We did music. (Crimson)

We did lunch. (Zain)

We saw the office. (Lexi) We went on a school tour!

We made a Chester raccoon puppet. (Cordae) Check out the pictures on our classroom Twitter (right side)! 

We practiced being safe on the playground. (Livi) We talked about playground expectations!

We met our nurse. (Riley)

We read A Pocket Full of Kisses. It had Chester. (Kate)

We had fun. (Rilen)

In your child’s folder today you will find instructions for a “Me Bag” project! Please let me know if you have any questions!

Have a great weekend!